Skepastaria - ceramic bean pot for chickpea soup

Sifnos recipes

Revithada (chickpea soup)

It’s one of the most famous recipes of Sifnos that is cooked all night long in a wood-fired oven, in a special cooking pot, called skepastaria.

Chick-pea soup is a traditional dish of Sifnos that is mainly served on Sunday, at noon, after the liturgy. The process begins two days before with the soaking of the chick-peas. On Saturday, in the afternoon, the Sifnians turn on the wood-fired ovens and bring their skepastarias. Once the wood-fired ovens are heated thoroughly, they put the utensils inside and the ovens are sealed to be opened the next morning.

traditional chickpea soup of Sifnos



  • 1 kilo of chick peas
  • 1 soup spoonful of baking soda
  • ¾ of a kilo of onions finely cut
  • ¾ of a water glass of olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • water
  • lemon (when serving)


The night before, put the chick peas into water. In the morning add the soda and leave them soak for another half hour. Leach them out (3-4 times). Put them in the skepastaria (special ceramic chick pea soup utensil) and add the finely cut onion, the olive oil, the salt and pepper and the water. The water that you’ll add must be enough so that when you cant the skepastaria it reaches the edge of the utensil and at the same time it must cover the chick peas. Certain people make a kind of paste with flour and water and they seal the utensil with it by applying it between the skepastaria and its cover! Cover the skepastaria with its cover and put it in the wood oven and leave the chick pea soup to be cooked for about 6 hours.

ADVICE: You can cook the chick pea soup in the electric oven for 6 hours at 150 degrees.

The taste that the chickpeas take from the clay pot is unique. If you don't have a skepastaria you can order us by phone.


Sifnos’ Traditional Easter recipe.

Mastelo is the earthen utensil in which we cook meat (goat or lamb). This Easter recipe is served traditionally in Sifnos on Holy Saturday evening, after the Resurrection liturgy.

traditional mastelo from Sifnos



  • 5-6 kilos of mutton or kid cut in portions
  • red wine
  • a lot of dill finely cut
  • suet (optionally)
  • salt
  • pepper
  • vine-twigs
  • tinfoil or oil paper (according to where you are going to cook it)


Wash out the meat with red wine. Put salt and pepper on it and powder all the portions with dill. Put on the bottom of the mastelo (special ceramic utensil for this specific dish without a cover) the vine-twigs crosswise forming a grid. Put the pieces of meat over the wine-twigs. Optionally, you can cover the pieces of meat with suet at the end of the process. Spray the food with 1 ½ - 2 wine glasses of red wine (if it is clear, you can use the wine that we used to wash off the meat). Cover the utensil with tinfoil and use a fork or a knife to make small holes on it. Put it in the wood oven for 4 ½ to 5 hours.



P.C. 84003, Sifnos - Cyclades



Special thanks

We would like to thank for their photographs: Triantafilos Alexiou, Varvara Spiliopoulou, Giannis Kontos, Emily Bedixen and Jacqueline Meier.


Giannis Apostolidis’ "En Sifno" pottery workshop is located in the area of Leivadas, on the central road from Kamares to Apollonia. More...

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